Thursday, July 1, 2010

first time for this depressing thought...

well, i have been rather successful at finding every thought in the depths of my mind to depress myself with, regarding babies, pregnancy, and the lack-there-of...but i had a new one last night...first time ever for this one!

my brother-in-law, who i am quite close with and see as my own brother, is getting married next's just incredible. it makes D and i feel REALLY old......his fiance (who i have gotten pretty close to also) is asking me questions about our wedding and asking for suggestions on stuff, which i am THOROUGHLY enjoying!!!

last night in contemplating ideas for her...i didn't even rabbit trail into this, it just popped straight up: if our baby had survived pregnancy and delivery, not only would we have a 2 1/2 year old right now (which we've discussed a few times) but they'd be the only neice/nephew in the family and would possibly have been in the wedding because they'd be 3 1/2 by then......weird.......weird to think about, and weird how that image popped into my mind while i was thinking about her color choices...

well, luckily, my mind changed lanes because i forced it to...and i didn't have any major break down...and we have discussed how old our little one would have been quite a few times in the past, which helps with the processing of the greif...but ya...weird that enough time has passed to have that apply...


  1. I am sorry! :( That is really upsetting. I hate thinking in time like that. It is amazing how fast it flies by and how we are all getting older. Eight years we graduated high school! Can you believe that? I am glad you are making this blog. I'll keep praying for you guys.

  2. thank you charlene, for your encouragement and prayers! :) i am glad i'm doing the blog also...self-theraputic! and you're right!!! time is flying!!!

  3. ...praying for you as well! can't wait to see your blog ;) ...
