Monday, June 13, 2011

Here We Go...

Well, I don't have a great excuse me if I am repeating myself.  But, I was really hoping my new Dr was going to put me on the perscriptions I was on previously so we could see if those were going to work for me. Then, after trying that we could figure out where to go from there...   Well, not so...he felt that after the amount of time we've spent without being successful, it was really beyond him, and to get things done quickly, it's time for a specialist to step in. I have really bazaar mixed feelings about this...on one hand: GREAT! I have felt this way for a long time, I can't believe we've endured 4 years of trying without a specialist being the other hand: YIKES! it just became that much more real, that much more sobering, and that much more serious as far as insurance and medical expenses are concerned.  I've been ready to take serious action for a long time now, but I just thought we'd have a little more time to prepare for the toll a "fertility clinic" takes on the emotions and the checking account...

Well, I put it off long enough...a month after getting the phone call from the Northern California Fertility Medical Center...and after having hit 100 days since my last was time. Everything that has been going on the last week and a half has really refreshed the wounds and made it clear that I am not prepared to wait any longer...  SO! July 13th...we have our first appointment with a Reproductive Endocrinologist, to discuss history, treatment options, etc...

Prayers are greatly appreciated...

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